This year was a rollercoaster with great highs, some lows, but definitely a unique year of personal and business growth.
• Trained 70 coaches, received feedbacks beyond my expectations: “best investment ever” “ life-changing” "I wish I did it before".
• Signed my biggest annual contract with a listed company to improve their customer service excellence with coaching.
• Collaborated with 12 companies, expanding the reach.
• Created meaningful - non fluffy- workshops for 450+ professionals on IKIGAI, Biases, How to say NO, NVC, Parental Transition Coaching, Leader as coach
• Welcome 6 experts to our team to amplify the ripple effect of coaching.
• Lost 30 leads, many lessons learned. If you ghosted me - no hard feelings - I am ready to reconnect.
• Struggled with balancing multiple roles: two weeks ago was the epitome: I had two major workshops, one discussion with a strategic partner, I was moving home and one kid with fever.
• Failed to delegate fast enough to focus on core strengths.
• Missed the opportunity to complete a triathlon.
• Learned innovate social media strategies from people half my age.
• Gained unexpected support from six mentors I admire => seek help when you are stuck.
• Received numerous referrals from inspiring leaders - and they keep coming.
• Received partnership proposals to expand GoMasterCoach into China, Australia, the Philippines, and Europe.
2024 PLAN
• Prioritize quality family time.
• Expand globally, scaling GoMasterCoach to new heights.
• Aim to become a Master Certified Coach (MCC).
• Develop future-proof skills: AI, copywriting, and public speaking.
• Boost CoachAwards with more coaches, sponsors, and categories.
• Embrace a 'Slow Down to Accelerate' approach early 2024.
What are your 2023 Wins?
PS : I'll share more lessons learned in my upcoming newsletter: The Coaching Tip of the Week. Subscribe to get the latest coaching insights!
PPS: Immensely grateful to all the people who have been part of this journey! Special thanks to Phuong Do for the continuous support to bring GoMasterCoach to the next level.