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and Techniques

to Overcome it

Your Coachee wants to find true personal fulfillment. Your Coachee wants to discover more about who he/she is and how to connect to the world.

Energy Mind-Map & Ikigai


​What is your Coachee's Ikigai, his/her "reason for being"?



  1. Ask your Coachee to think of all the activities that give him/her energy, personally and professionally (the more the better). 

  2. Pick 3 that are quite different. For each, tell your Coachee to do a mind-map, writing any word the activity makes them think of; and then reconnect words with other words. See example here. Repeat for each of the 3 activities.

  3. Analyse with your Coachee the recurring themes. This shows the "What you Love" of the Ikigai.

  4. Now draw the Ikigai as below and ask your Coachee to fill it out the "What you love", "What you are good at", "What you can be paid for", "What the world needs". Any overlap?


GoMasterCoach app, including Tools and Programs

Limiting Beliefs


Your Coachee needs to identify common limiting beliefs that prevent him/her from living the life that he/she desires and reshapes them positively.



  1. Step 1: Ask your Coachee to imagine and write on a paper his/her life if money and time was no issue. Write as many details as possible.

  2. Step 2: ask your Coachee that are preventing him/her to reaching this dream life.

  3. Step 3: ask him/her write the childhood negative stories he/she tells himself/herself such as "my parents were poor", "my father was violent".

  4. Is there any overlap between Step 2 and 3. Analyse the answers.

GoMasterCoach app, including Limiting Beliefs

The Wheel of Happiness


The Wheel of Happiness is an introspective tool to help the coachee visualise all the important levers of happiness in his/her life: gratitude, sleep, nutrition, exercise, mindfulness, acts of kindness, social connections, learn and explore. This helicopter view allows to shift priorities if need be.



Ask your Coachee to draw his/her wheel of happiness grading for each area, the happiness level today and the targeted level. Analyse which areas have the biggest gaps between the 2 levels (today vs targeted) and reasons why.

GoMasterCoach app, including Wheel of Happiness

3 Key Strengths


​People who use their strengths every day are:

  • 3 times more likely to report having an excellent quality of life, 

  • 6 times more likely to be engaged at work,

  • 8% more productive,

  • 15% less likely to quit their jobs.



Ask your Coachee to identify his/her key strengths:

What does your Coachee gets complimented on? What do his/her friends value? What do colleagues or boss value? What does your Coachee like about himself/herself? When does he/she feel in the flow?

GoMasterCoach app, including Strengths



The Values are basic and fundamental beliefs that guide or motivate attitudes or actions. Understanding the Coachee's Values will help us determine what is important to him/her. Values are the motive behind purposeful action. Values are the ends to which we act and come in many forms.

Ask your Coachee to think of 3 people he/she admires (friends or celebrities, real of fiction characters, alive or passed away). Then, ask your coachee to write as many attributes for each why he/she admires them. Any overlap? recurring theme? These are likely to be his/her values. What does your coachee think about these attributes? Are they his/her values?

GoMasterCoach app, including Values

The 16-Personality Test (MBTI)


The purpose of this test based on Myers and Briggs' theory of 16 personality types is to indicate your psychological preferences in how you perceive the world around you and make decision. 



Ask your Coachee to do the test. He can do it on the GoMasterCoach app. We will give you suggestions of careers that fit the Coachee's profile. Then, debrief the results and what resonates with your Coachee.

GoMasterCoach app, including 16-Personality Test

Common Symptoms

  • Seeking fulfilment

  • Lacking purpose

  • Feeling reached a plateau in terms of growth

  • Feeling skills are not well utilised

  • Feeling a misalignment  between current life and own values

  • Feeling of not doing what he/she likes

  • Not meeting his/her financial needs

  • Feeling of lacking real or meaningful impact on the world

6 Techniques

to Seek Fulfillment


  • The Impostor Syndrome: Becoming an Authentic Leader, by Harold Hillman, Chris Abernathy, et al

  • The Mindfulness Workbook for Addiction: A Guide to Coping with the Grief, Stress and Anger that Trigger Addictive Behaviors (A New Harbinger Self-Help Workbook), by Rebecca E. Williams PhD and Julie S. Kraft MA

  • Coach's Casebook, by Kim Morgan

  • Compassion for All Creatures, by Janice Gray Kolb

  • Perfectionism: A Practical Guide to Managing "Never Good Enough", by Lisa Van Gemert

  • The Fulfillment of All Desire, by Ralph Martin

  • Happier: Learn the Secrets to Daily Joy and Lasting Fulfillment, by Tal Ben-Shahar

  • The Disease To Please: Curing the People-Pleasing Syndrome, by Harriet B. Braiker


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