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Quiet Quitting - Saying Goodbye in Silence

Updated: Jun 9, 2023

“It started when I didn’t feel cared about.”

My client Anna told me last Friday (her name has been changed).

“But I stayed. I started looking outside… exploring options but couldn’t leave.

I couldn’t even hide my lack of enthusiasm.

I was mentally, emotionally, and physically checked out altogether.

One day, I asked myself, since I've already got one foot out of the door, it's probably best for everyone if I take that other step over the threshold?

I decided to find a new employer, #quietquitting was not an option.”

So, what is quiet quitting? A buzz word? A pseudo-trend? The great resignation in SLOW motion?

The label doesn’t matter, what matters is that the gap between employers and employees is indisputably growing.

As a coach, I see many clients like Anna.

For one client like Anna who decides to quit, 4 clients decide to stay in their job, do the bare minimum, sometimes launch side hustles.

For one client like Anna, I coach 5 managers who struggle to (re)motivate their employees.

When I ask them; “What REALLY motivates your employees? Is it rewards? independence? challenge? security? belonging? power?

Many managers answer: “Well, I believe I need to clarify that”.

And they initiate coaching conversation with those 5 questions:

1. You seem disengaged, what is happening?

2. What could motivate you more?

3. What is not working for you?

4. What is important for you? What do you value?

5. How can I help?

What REALLY motivates your employees?

Only managers are in a position to know employees as individuals - their life situation, strengths, drivers and goals.

Quiet quitting is beneficial for neither side. Both sides need to learn to compromise and come to a workable solution.

What is your view on that?

If you need help to organise workshops on Team Motivation and Individual Values, reach out!

We organise coaching and training courses in Singapore and beyond.

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